Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc.

  Soccer Net History

October 21, 2005

The Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. AGM was held October 20, 2005.  Congratulations to following who were elected for two year terms:

President - Bob Rohachuk

Vice President - Terry Carruthers

Mini Rep - Sally Horel

Every year at the AGM each Zone names two delegates to the Board.  The Zones named the following people to represent the Zone:

SUSC - Carlos Estrada and Albert Hopkins

Hollandia - Wilf McDougall and Neil McLeod

Aurora - Ralph Kunz and Mike Gay

Lakewood - Gregg Wagner and Glenn Coulson

Eastside - Mary Grevers and Clint Pederson

Hal Lackie - Treasurer and Mitch Empey - Mini Rep will complete the remaining year in 2 year terms.  

Congratulation to Mike Grevers who was awarded the Friend of Soccer Award at the Meeting.  



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Site Manager: Jayden Rohachuk