Mini SISCO & Outdoor Soccer Registration 2009
Indoor Mini SISCO Tournament Feb 6 - 8, 2009:
We recently had an U6 team pull out of the tournament so everything has been delayed with the possibility of having to re-do the tournament schedule. Schedules will be available no later than 1 week prior to the tournament. Thank you for your patience on this!
Outdoor 2009 Registration Information: A Pre Outdoor Season Meeting has been scheduled for Thurs Feb 12, 2009. The meeting will be held at 7:00PM in the SaskTel Sports Centre Meeting Room. A representative from each Zone, Community Association and other districts registering with SYSI Leagues should be present at the meeting. Saskatoon Youth Soccer representatives will go over details pertaining to the up coming Outdoor Season and answer any questions you may have.
SYSI has deemed Feb 23 - 27, 2009 as Soccer Registration Week.
Youth-Soccer Ages & Registration: Under 18 – Born 1991/92 -- register with SYSI Office Under 16 – Born 1993/94 -- register with Zone of Residence Under 14 – Born 1995/96 -- register with Zone of Residence Under 12 – Born 1997/98 -- register with Zone of Residence
Aurora: TBA Eastside: Tues Feb 24 & Thurs Feb 26: 7-8:30pm: Social Centre at Aden Bowman (use Taylor Street entrance) Hollandia: TBA Lakewood: TBA SUSC: TBA
Community-Soccer Ages & Registration: Under-10 -- Born 1999/2000 -- register with Community Association Under-8 -- Born 2001/2002 -- register with Community Association Under-6 -- Born during or after 2003 -- register with Community Association
Brevoort Park: Wed Feb 25: 6:30-8pm: Brevoort Park School small gym Eastview: Tues Feb 24 6:00pm-7:00pm: Alvin Buckwold School - main entrance
Hudson Bay Park/ Mayfair: Wed Feb 25: 6:30 to 8:30pm: St Edward School: 1001 Ave P North
Silverspring: Wed Feb 25: Silverspring School
Sutherland / Forest Grove: Wed Feb 25: 7-8:30pm & Thurs Feb 26: 6:30-7:30pm: St Joseph High School
Other Community Associations: TBA -- Please keep checking back or contact your Community Association.