Saskatoon & District Soccer Referees Association

Membership list


Check below for your current status.

To register call Brendan Simpson for further information

Only members of the SDSRAI and SSA will be assigned games.

If you registered directly with SSA in Regina, and it is showing below that you are not a paid up member of the SSA, you need to provide proof that your form and remittance have been received by the SSA. Send SSA e-mail, copy of cancelled cheque or copy of membership card to Michele Acton.  

SDSRAI Lifetime Members: John Farnan and Grant Cubbon  

Last First Class SDSRAI SSA

2014-06-30 2014-06-30
Abdul-Hamid Islamuddin DR yes yes
Abouri Farid DR yes
Adams Ian DR yes online
Aldana Enrique DR yes yes
Anderson Lucas YR

Aryee Felix DR yes yes
Asiamah Isaac DR yes
Bakalech Dallas YR

Balaniuk Jarren DR yes yes
Balaniuk Nathan DR yes yes
Barrera Julio DR yes yes
Baumann James DR yes yes
Baumann Mark DR yes yes
Benko Kaitlyn YR yes yes
Benko Ryan DR yes yes
Bent Ethan RR yes online
Bevans Austin YR

Boire Maurice DR yes
Cao Richard YR yes yes
Carson Shannon DR

Chan Stephen DR yes yes
Chelack Len RR yes online
Childs Mark DR yes yes
Chometa Justin YR yes
Chrusch Kyle YR yes yes
Clarke Mark RR yes online
Coxon Chris RR yes yes
Dalai Soma DR yes online
Derry Milton DR yes yes
Duong Hung RR yes yes
Fisher Benjamin DR yes
Fisher Jade DR yes
Fogel Alan DR

Foric Emir DR

Gerber Michael YR yes yes
Gibson Josiah YR

Gramiak Michael DR yes
Hamp Thomas DR yes yes
Hampton John RR yes
Hansra Navdeep DR yes yes
He Vu DR yes yes
Hinz Ashton YR

Hopfner Chad DR yes
Hupé Ethan YR yes
Iliuta Octavian RR yes online
Iroba Kingsley DR yes yes
Iserhienrhien Abigail DR yes
Ivkovic Zarko DR yes online
Jacob Johann YR

Jacob Sharon YR

Johnson Christal DR yes online
Jovic Dalibor DR yes online
Kalra Neil RR yes online
Kent Richard RR Yes online
Khan Moosa YR

Lai Daniel YR yes yes
Laterza Frank RR yes online
Mantyka Drew DR yes online
Marei Saif YR Yes
Masha Migen PR yes yes
McGreavey Alex DR yes yes
Michel Nicole YR yes online
Moore Dwayne DR yes yes
Moore Kyle DR yes online
Mutwiri George DR yes yes
Nesbet Alfredo DR yes yes
Newbigging Amber RR yes yes
Newton Mathew YR

Nickel Jaden DR yes yes
O'Hare Shae DR yes yes
Oghabi Ashkan DR yes online
Oliinichenko Vitalii DR yes yes
Porter David DR

Quinlan Gord PR yes yes
Rakochy Eden DR

Rapin Nicole DR yes yes
Rapin Spencer DR yes online
Read Tyler DR yes yes
Redl Brandon DR yes online
Reimer Ashton DR yes online
Ross Bobbi DR

Russel Grayson YR

Sabadash Andrew YR yes yes
Schmidt Taylor DR

Shamloo Arash DR yes yes
Shukwia Tajik DR yes yes
Shurmer Elijah YR yes yes
Simpson Brendan RR yes yes
Stanzel Erika YR

Street Connor YR yes yes
Street Karlie DR yes yes
Thielmann Alvin DR yes yes
Turay Tony DR yes
Ufondu Lotanna DR yes
Wahba Salah RR yes yes
Werner Tammie DR yes online
Whelan Ashleigh YR yes yes
Whelan John DR yes yes
Wilson Cynthia YR yes yes
Wong Joel YR yes online
Yeke Victor DR yes yes
Yurkowski Andrew DR yes yes




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Last updated: April 1st, 2014
© 2003 Saskatoon & District Soccer Referees Association
© 2003 Devon Atkings
Web page designed by Devon Atkings